Open Asset Award Winners
What We Share
Open assets are what open education initiatives produce and use, tangible goods (usually digital) with educational purpose and value. Open assets are produced, curated, and distributed in ways that make them freely accessible, usable, and improvable by others.
Best OER

High-quality innovative teaching and learning materials openly available online for everyone to use, reuse, revise, remix and redistribute.
Open Website
Universidad de Alicante OpenCourseWare – 2011
The Universitat d’Alacant began publishing OpenCourseWare in 2007 and was one of the first universities in Spain and Latin America to do so. In 2011, OpenCourseWare Consortium named the Universitat d’Alacant the first “Reference Site” for the number of courses offered, the variety of languages, and the relevance of course content. (Landmark)
Universidad de Alicante, Spain
University of Sumatera Utara OpenCourseWare – 2011
The University of Sumatera Utara OpenCourseWare offers 177 courses in twelve disciplines and twenty textbooks. Content is elegantly designed and offered in both English and Indonesian for use by teachers and learners worldwide.
University of Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
National Chiao Tung University – 2012
Launched in June 2007, National Chiao Tung University’s (NCTU) OpenCourseWare site was the world’s first OCW site in Chinese run by an OCW Consortium University member. NCTU OCW established 114 courses, including 92 full-video courses. In 2011, NCTU OCW had 250,000 unique users with 3 million visits. Its video courses accumulated more than 200M views/downloads in two years. (Landmark)
National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Virtual University of Pakistan – 2012
The Virtual University of Pakistan (VU) has published 138 undergraduate and graduate courses and more than 6,000 hours of studio-quality video lectures. Students and faculty at the University of Pakistan and other universities have made good use of the courses. VU has elegantly structured each course with video lectures, assignments, and course notes provided along with detailed semester schedules and other resources.
Virtual University of Pakistan, Pakistan
The University of Notre Dame – 2013
The University of Notre Dame was one of the founding members of the OpenCourseWare Consortium and launched their OCW site in 2006. The site currently has more than 50 courses in 24 subject areas, and in 2012 the site received visits from 300,000 individuals in 211 countries and territories around the world. (Landmark)
University of Notre Dame, United States
Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya OCW – 2013
The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) OCW platform provides more than 200 UPC courses and is integrated with the university’s information systems. These information systems support a variety of management processes; provide information about users and site work; and provide information on the books of the recommended bibliography through the library catalog. (Landmark)
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
UNED Abierta OCW – 2014
The Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) OCW site provides access to open educational content in a variety of subjects. With more than 50,000 users per month in 2013, the site hosted visitors from Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Chile, the United States, and Costa Rica.
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain
National Taiwan University OCW – 2014
National Taiwan University created the NTU OCW to respond to the new wave of learning. NTU OCW offers 124 courses and 2,444 videos to share teaching resources and promote lifelong learning. Between 2011 and 2014, more than 3 million teachers and learners visited the website.
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
TU Delft OpenCourseWare – 2014
Initiated as a pilot program in 2007, Delft University of Technology OCW now offers hundreds of master’s and bachelor’s degree and high school courses organized by the themes of environment, infrastructures and mobility, energy, water, sustainability, and health. In its first ten years, TU Delft OCW served more than 1.5 million people from around the world.
TU Delft, Netherlands
OC@KU – 2015
Open College at Kaplan University (OC@KU) launched an innovative and visionary approach of using open courses in a higher education environment. OC@KU is a first-of-its-kind project utilizing technology to combine open courses, learning resources, and a degree program resulting in individualized, affordable education. Learners create their own path through a variety of educational materials, including open courses.
Open College at Kaplan University, United States
Mountain Heights Academy OpenCourseWare – 2015
Mountain Heights Academy, formerly Open High School of Utah, was the first secondary school in the world to create and publicly release its own curriculum as an open educational resource freely available for anyone else to use. Its tuition-free, online courses for grades 7-12 allow students flexibility to customize their education. Mountain Heights Academy is the highest rated, accredited online charter school in Utah.
Mountain Heights Academy, United States
HCC Libraries – 2015
Houston Community College (HCC) librarians are curating high-quality open resources to support the HCC curriculum. Their website includes a LibGuide dedicated to the history and pedagogy of the OER movement and a LibGuide dedicated to the use and adaption of OERs to course needs. They have also curated a list of open-access databases to supplement resources licensed by their libraries and lists of individual OER and open access resources organized by the HCC program.
Houston Community College, United States
NetEase Online Open Courses – 2016
NetEase, a leading China-based Internet technology company, developed a free education platform called Netease Open Courses to improve access to high-quality education materials among Chinese students. It offers more than 40,000 high-quality, academic-focused courses and offers content in cooperation with Chinese universities and other international learning platforms.
NetEase, China
Open Washington – 2016
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges responded to faculty needs for web resources for teaching by launching in 2014 the Open Washington website to provide accessible pathways for faculty to learn, find, use and apply OER. Self-paced modules walk users through the process of incorporating open educational resources into their teaching practice. It also includes a categorized search guide for all types of OER, a help center, and faculty stories about their adoption of OER.
WSBCTC, United States
TEMOA – 2016
Since 2007, TEMOA, a knowledge hub at Tecnológico de Monterrey has provided a public and multilingual curated catalog of more than 540,000 Open Educational Resources (OER). TEMOA integrates all OA efforts by individual professors and departments into a comprehensive strategy to help innovate teaching practices and contribute to societal development. This initiative impacts a broad audience of more than 98,000 students, 7,000 professors, and thousands of users from outside the university. More than 384,000 learners are enrolled in the project’s 29 MOOCs. In 2014 TEMOA was recognized by the Inter-American Development Bank as an inspiring educational innovation in Latin America.
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
METU OCW – 2016
Middle East Technical University Open Courseware (METU OCW) site is a free and open educational resource for faculty, students, and self-learners throughout the world. METU OCW offers access to the materials used in a variety of courses with more than 170 open educational resources from 30 different departments available. It attracts about 5000 visitors from all around the world monthly.
Middle East Technical University, Turkey
OpenCourseWare – Outstanding Course 2011
Video & Multimedia
Metabolaspel – Johan van Rhijn, Open Universiteit, Netherlands
Introduction to Pitch Systems in Tonal Music – John Crooks, University of California, Irvine, United States
Chemistry Lab – Chemistry Department/Instructional Technology Support Office, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Estructuras Matemáticas para la Informática– II – Cristina Jordan, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Actividad Física para la Salud – Pedro A. López-Miñarro, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
Text & Illustrations
Occupation Focused Conceptual Frameworks – Matumo Ramafikeng, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Applied Multimedia Technology – Chris Clark, University of Notre Dame, United States
Mitología Greco-Romana – José Luis Ramírez Sádaba, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
Técnicas de Animación Turística -Mildred Acuña, Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica
Instituciones Básicas del Derecho Administrativo – José Vida Fernández, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
OpenCourseWare – Outstanding Course 2012
Video & Multimedia
Vulnerability to Environmental – Gina Ziervogel, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Creole Language and Culture – Karen Richman, University of Notre Dame, United States
Avances Ecológicos Para la Sostenibilidad de los Ecosistemas Acuáticos Continentales – María Rosario Vidal-Abarca Gutierrez, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
Biotechnology Fundamentals – Osaka University, Japan
Química de los Materiales – Javier Pozuelo de Diego, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Text & Illustrations
The Ancient Olympics: Bridging Past and Present – The Open University, United Kingdom
Sanitary Engineering – J.C. van Dijk & F.H.L.R. Clemens, TU Delft, Netherlands
School of Webcraft – Peer 2 Peer University, United States
Algebra & Geometry – Monterey Institute for Technology and Education, United States
Operations Management – Daisy Escobar Arregoces, IE University, Spain
OpenCourseWare – Outstanding Course 2013
Video & Multimedia
Thermal and Statistical Physics – National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Productos de apoyo y tecnologías de la información y las telecomunicaciones – Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain
Basic Arithmetic – Scottsdale Community College, United States
Developmental Math – The NROC Project, United States
Introduction to Aerospace Engineering I – TU Delft, Netherlands
Text & Illustrations
An American Constitutional History Course for Non-American Students – Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Delft Design Guide – TU Delft, Netherlands
Atomic Physics – African Virtual University, Kenya
Fisiología Humana – Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
Conocimientos Básicos de Matemáticas para Primeros Cursos Universitarios – Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Outstanding Course 2014-2019
General Physics – Professor Min Lee, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 2014
Mini-vídeos docentes modulares para diseñar un MOOC – Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain, 2014
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in Small Animals – Universidad de Murcia, Spain, 2014
The Human Controller – Faculty of 3mE, Department of Biomechanical Engineering, TU Delft, Netherlands, 2015
Music Theory – Mountain Heights Academy, United States, 2015
Matemáticas. Grado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los alimentos – Universidad de Zaragoza (OCW UNIZAR), Spain, 2015
La gran divergencia: la no-Europa antes de 1800 – Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain, 2016
Fitness for Life – Mountain Height Academy, United States, 2016
Workshop on Projects – Universidad de Cantabria, Spain, 2016
EQUITY-ZTC-MASTER – CCC ZTC Degree Program, United States, 2019
Pre-Algebra CCC 2013 – Cuyahoga Community College, United States, 2014
Solar Energy – TU Delft, Netherlands, 2014
Introduction to Water Treatment – TU Delft, Netherlands, 2014
Delft Design Approach – TU Delft, Netherlands, 2015
Solving Complex Problems – TU Delft, Netherlands, 2015
Mobiles for Development – Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Colombia, 2015
Rethinking Teaching; Redesigning Learning – Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia, 2016
Learning to (Re)Use Open Educational Resources – The Open University
ExplOERer project, Department of Languages, United Kingdom, 2016
Pre-University Calculus – TU Delft, Netherlands, 2016
OER101 – Using Open Educational Resources in Teaching – Politecnico Di Milano – Servizio METID, Italy, 2017
PhD and Career Development – PhDOOC Association, France, 2019
Teacher Training MOOC – World Possible Guatemala, Guatemala, 2019
Open Textbook
Open Access Atlas of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Operative Surgery – Johan Fagan, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 2017
A Guide to Making Open Textbooks with Students – Rebus Community, Canada, 2018
Blueprint for Success in College and Career – Grossmont College, United States, 2019
Open RN Nursing Pharmacology – Chippewa Valley Technical College, United States, 2020
Open Curation / Repository

An exceptional collection of high-quality OER presented after a curation process. More than merely collecting content on a specific subject, strong curation involves carefully selecting content and evaluating it for a specific purpose. Presenting it in a meaningful and organized way that can then be customized and re-shared for future users.
Observatorio de Innovación Educativa – 2017
The Observatory of Educational Innovation at the Tecnológico de Monterrey is devoted to the analysis and dissemination of educational trends shaping the future of education and learning. The Observatory has produced nine OER publications (in English and Spanish) with more than 100,000 downloads.
(OER Collection)
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
Norwegian Digital Learning Arena (NDLA) – 2017
The Norwegian Digital Arena (NDLA) is a sustainable large-scale model for OER attempting to stimulate sharing of both content and technology which will contribute to increased reuse and innovation in the market of learning technology. NDLA has developed more than 90.000 learning objects covering more than 50 subjects, including 4,400 films and 3,500 interactive learning objects. NDLA presents commercial films alongside CC licensed OER.
(OER Site)
The Norwegian Digital Learning Arena (NDLA), Norway
SHMS – Saudi OER Network – 2018
Saudi OER Network (SHMS) aims to sustainably enrich educational content through design partnerships, to improve, maintain, and enhance the quality of digital educational content and educational opportunities for those who speak the Arabic language. SMHA develops partnerships with leading international and Arabic institutions to build digital repositories, localize OER, and build high-quality Arabic educational content. It is the leading Arabic OER platform with more than 50,000 Arabic OER, curated OER collections, and OER training academy.
(Open Repository)
National Center for e-Learning, Saudi Arabia
Hokkaido University OpenCourseWare(HU-OCW) – 2018
The Center for Open Education at Hokkaido University began HU-OCW in 2006 and has more than 4,000 learning materials. The site, renewed in 2017 based on user feedback, employs playlists to group teaching materials most sought after by users. Kaltura SaaS was introduced as a video streaming service allowing viewing on a variety of devices.
(Open Repository)
Hokkaido University, Japan
Open Geography Education – 2019
Open Geography Education provides open resources, products, and services to anyone who is interested in learning about the earth, its places, and the relationships between people and their environments. This initiative uses the world as its main contributor, and with content experts strives to make available the most engaging, dynamic, and relevant information about topics of global relevance, ranging from environmental risks, like wildfires and tsunamis, to patterns of globalization and development.
(Open Geography)
Salt Lake Community College, United States
Grasple – 2019
Grasple is an easy-to-use platform where teachers can find, edit, and share open learning materials. A social enterprise from the Netherlands, Grasple helps people learn difficult concepts by practicing with high-quality exercises created by educators who build on each other’s work. Teachers can share online exercises and lessons with other educators and with students so they can practice at their own time and pace.
(OER Collection)
TU Delft, Netherlands
OASIS – 2019
Openly Available Sources Integrated Search (OASIS) is a search tool aimed at making the discovery of open content easier. It searches open content from 91 sources and contains more than 365,000 records, most of which are in the public domain or openly licensed. More than 470 institutions from eight countries link to OASIS from their websites.
(Open Curation)
SUNY Geneseo, United States
OCW Universidad de Cantabria (OCW UC) has been creating OpenCourseWare since 2009, expanding and improving its list of resources every year. OCW UC is the most visited repository in Spain and one of the most relevant resources in Latin America. The University of Cantabria fosters open education through initiatives such as its Repository of Teaching Resources, a carefully selected and organized collection of resources on open education methodologies.
(Open Repository)
Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
Repositorio Latinoamericano de Convocatorias Educativas (RELACE) – 2020
The Latin American Repository of Educational Calls (RELACE) aims to capture, organize and disseminate all educational events and calls originated in Latin America. RELACE has a presence in more than 12 Latin American countries and has provided information, calls, events, and educational content to more than 20,000 students, teachers, professors, researchers, and academics from the educational field.
(Open Repository)
RELACE, Mexico
Open Reuse / Remix/ Adaptation

An outstanding example of OER reuse, remix, or adaptation. This may include examples of significant iterative improvements of resources including translation and localization.
Asuka Academy – 2019
Asuka Academy provides Japanese learners with new learning opportunities by translating quality OER from around the world. Translations are performed by almost 1,500 volunteers. Asuka Academy has made translation and distribution of OER content a semi-formal educational program for high school students in Japan. Ninety three courses have been translated with enrollments totaling 26,913.
Asuka Academy, Japan
The OER Starter Kit Workbook – 2020
The OER Starter Kit Workbook is a remix of the OER Starter Kit to include worksheets to help instructors, librarians, instructional designers, administrators, and anyone else interested in OER to practice the skills they need to confidently find, use, or even create open educational resources (OER).In each chapter, learning objectives are provided to explain what the reader will learn, and, in many cases, interactive exercises and examples are available as well. Worksheets are included in each chapter and as downloads in Google Docs for editing, adapting, and remixing.
Lehman College, United States
Open Tool

Efficient software application proven to be an essential tool for professionals, trainers, and teachers for building and delivering open education.
Open Education Licensing Toolkit – 2017
The Open Education Licensing (OEL) toolkit is an innovative online resource designed to support use, reuse, creation, and sharing of OER in Australian higher education. It helps users to make informed copyright and licensing decisions to match their institution’s open education strategies. The underlying decision tree is based on Australian copyright law. The toolkit is openly licensed to enable use by a broader audience and modification for other jurisdictions. It aims to improve productivity and participation in global online education.
Swinburne University of Technology
University of Tasmania, Australia
H5P (FOSS for Education) – 2018
H5P is democratizing the world of interactive content by empowering everyone to create, share, and reuse interactive content with no technical or design skills. Subject matter experts can pick a content type/template and fill it with content, resulting in interactive content that works on any modern platform, is responsive, accessible and provides a world-class user experience for any user. In addition, H5P is including a Hub for H5P content allowing all the 25 000 websites that currently use H5P to share H5P content with each other.
H5P, Norway
VR classroom – 2019
VR Classroom is an open education virtual reality app that can be used, openly and freely, in classrooms to enhance students’ learning and engagement. Virtual Reality (VR) can transform the way educational content is delivered, making it easy to immerse students in time, space, and story.
(Open App)
The Open University, United Kingdom
PhET Interactive Simulations – 2019
The PhET Interactive Simulations team has created a collection of more than 150 open educational simulations for teaching science and math, from elementary school through university. With translations into 93 languages and more than 100 million uses per year, teachers around the globe are using PhET simulations to make science and math more engaging and accessible for all learners. Founded in 2002 by Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman, the PhET Interactive Simulations team has been a leading innovator in educational simulations.
(Open Simulation)
University of Colorado Boulder, United States
Manifold Scholar – 2020
Manifold is an open-source publishing platform created by the GC Digital Scholarship Lab at the CUNY Graduate Center, the University of Minnesota Press, and Cast Iron Coding. It enables publishers to create media-rich, interactive digital publications that take advantage of the full capabilities of the web and extend the educational benefits and access of digital scholarship to more communities. Manifold’s intuitive interface, reader-friendly design, and annotation features have made it a leading tool to create Open Educational Resources and extend the benefits of the latest digital scholarship to all communities.
City University of New York, United States
Open Infrastructure

Open Infrastructure is the set of technologies that enables openness. It encompasses open source tools which enable the creation of open educational resources, their use in educational context, their curation, improvement and remixing, as well as sharing. The “infrastructure” is wider than just open source software, though: it also includes open hardware used in education, open standards enabling interoperability, as well as other open technologies that are instrumental for open education. 1st winner will be in 2021.