
Book Title: Intellectual Property Is Common Property

Subtitle: Arguments for the abolition of private intellectual property rights

Author: Andreas Von Gunten

Cover image for Intellectual Property Is Common Property
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Book Information


Andreas Von Gunten


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This work (Intellectual Property Is Common Property by Andreas Von Gunten) is free of known copyright restrictions.


Intellectual Property Is Common Property
Andreas Von Gunten

Icon for the Public Domain license

This work (Intellectual Property Is Common Property by Andreas Von Gunten) is free of known copyright restrictions.

Version 1.01, 2015-12-03

This essay was originally submitted as a master dissertation in philosophy on 8. September 2014 to the Open University, Milton Keynes. It is available in various E-Book formats, as a printed book and as an online book.

ISBN: 978-3-03805-039-1 (print), 978-3-03805-197-8 (PDF), 978-3-03805-198-5 (ePub), 978-3-03805-199-2 (mobi/kindle)

I am publishing this work under CC0 licence to the public domain, which means that you are free to do with it whatever you like. You are invited to treat this text as if there was no copyright law in place. But without trying to force you by law, I would appreciate it if you referred to this work, should you use it in your own texts, remixes or mashups, and that you keep my name as the source of the text if you are going to distribute it. You will see in this essay, that this is consistent with my claim for the abolition of private intellectual property rights.

If you received this copy for free and found it useful, feel free to support my work with any amount you like by sending me a donation via paypal to avg@andreasvongunten.com.

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You may also contact me at avg@andreasvongunten.com or on twitter (@avongunten), if you would like to discuss any of the topics mentioned in this work, or if you can provide me with interesting resources which support or challenge the assertions made here.

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buch & netz
Publisher City
Publication Date
December 4, 2015